About Me and Friends!

Oh hey! That's me!

I'm a twenty something Pittsburgh native-- finishing up my degree at Duquesne University!  I'm studying Health Management Systems and will be graduating in spring 2012 (thankkk goodness!).  

But before I go into more of that, I'm going to start this post from the beginning...

I graduated Hampton High School in June 2007.  High School was the best time of my life-- and I made a group of friends that have continued to be my best friends throughout college.  I honestly don't know what I'd do without them...


After I graduated high school  I started at Gannon University where I was studying to become a Physician Assistant.  While I was there I met some pretty awesome people who turned into best friends still today!

1 year and half, 1 cadaver lab and a broken foot later I found myself applying to Duquesne University. Where I was closer than ever to most of my best friends and made some new best friends :-)

Leaving Gannon to transfer to Duquesne was one of the hardest decisions of my life-- but at the same time, it has been the best decision I've ever made.  

At each school, I've made friends-- But the past 5 years have made me realize that the only people I can count on are family and best friends.  I've made "friends"  everywhere.  You know, the ones that say they'll be there for you, that you'll hang out with, etc.  I've realized that the "friends" that make empty promises within the first few weeks of meeting them usually don't amount to anything.  

If your in a picture above you're one of the people I have been referring to as a best friend.  I'm glad I've met you and I know you wont abandon me-- so, hey thanks!


Amy @ Living N Learning said...

Love all of the pictures! I would definitely agree, those "friends" making empty promises aren't really friends. Reminds me of a song "Find Out Who Your Friends Are".

LittleZewski said...

I was talking to someone about how every time I think someones my friend and they prove to me they're not, that song comes on in my head...