Sunday, August 14, 2011

I'm not gone I swear!

I know (simply from my stats) that there are still people out there reading my blog waiting for me to upload something wonderful.  I appreciate you all for your consistent checking of my blog! I am currently going to resident assistant training, meeting fabulous people, and missing a whole lot of sleep.  It should be over in a few days so I'll get you all caught up on my life..For now I'll leave you some Sillies!
Mustache Mania!


I'll try to update as soon as possible!


Friday, August 5, 2011


To my best friend and Sister Nikki-- and Future brother Michael for Graduating Physician Assistant School! Love you both!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Bone Marrow Queen

Last year around this time, a friend that graduated with me from High School, Melissa-- lost her battle with Cancer.  This year her close group of friends is hosting an event in her memory.  I know that because most of my readers are from Facebook and probably already know about this stuff-- but I'm going to write about it anyway.

I'm not going to say much about Melissa because honestly her writing say it all.

Melissa loved to write.  She was the most amazing writer I've ever heard.  Throughout her journey she wrote a piece called The Bone Marrow Queen.  If you haven't read this YOU MUST.  

Once you've read it.. and you decide that you like it--give her some recognition and "like" it on facebook too.  

If you also haven't heard, her close friends are hosting Letters to Melissa 

I highly suggest that you check out that first link-- if not all of them.  She really was one of the most amazing writers-- and I honestly didn't even know until she was gone.  Melissa was a wonderful person and everyone misses her. 

Thanks for reading


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Can't find that perfect shade of nail polish?

So being a nail polish person--I've read a few blogs about creating that perfect shade of nail polish. Today I tried my very first attempt!

Lets get to the supplies:
Clear Nail Polish
Colored Shadow

A funnel created from post-its:

Now that we have all our items we simply take off the polish cap, add the funnel and a scoop of the shadow and shake. I added one scoop of the blue and got this:
I didn't really like how this turned out because it was super thin-- it looked watery on my nail. So I added another scoop of blue.
It started to look a little better this time, but just for fun I added a little black.. 
Not so pretty anymore...So I added a little white...
Moral of the story is-- less black is more.

This was a good first try.  I'm going to be using making nail polish as a program for my RA social so it was good to just experiment with this.  

Does this look like something you'd try?  What colors would you try?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Amazon Kindle

These are a few of my favorite things.... 

So last Christmas, my lovely sister Nikki got me the Amazon Kindle.  Best decision ever.  I absolutely love my Kindle and Kindle cover (thanks Michael!)

For those of you who do not know the Amazon Kindle is a lightweight, portable e-reader offered obviously by  The reason I thought to write this post today was because I drove past a borders bookstore and saw that it was closing.  The likely cause of its closing is because of the Amazon Kindle-- and Borders lack of a relevant e-reader.  

Anyway! Onto the fun stuff about my Kindle.  The first and most important reason that I like my particular Kindle is because Nikki got me the Kindle 3G + Wi-Fi, which works anywhere in the world.  The 3G is paid for by Amazon so you do not have to pay for any time spent searching for that perfect book.  This is great for me because I am not necessarily in Wi-Fi when I'd like to purchase a book.  You can literally buy a book anywhere.  

The Kindle also displays "E Ink" verses LCD display.  This allows easy reading (no headaches from the LCD light) and ability to read in the sun 

The Kindle reads more like paper than a computer such as the iPad or iPhone which can be difficult to read in the sun due to a glare.  

The battery life on the Kindle is absolutely rediculous.  I can literally go over a month easily without having to charge it.  This is because the Kindle loads a page and turns off. It keeps the page on the screen for about 15 minutes and then the Kindle goes to sleep and loads a beautiful image on the screen.  

Here are some pictures to prove exactly how clear the Kindle is.  It literally looks like a book.

Another thing that I really like about the kindle is the variety of books offered at consistently low prices.  You can even get school books on the kindle (if you really want to).  Searching for the book you want is done by simply switching on the internet and typing in the book you want.  One more click and you'll have your book purchased.  

The Kindle also has a number of accessories that you can buy with it such as decals, covers, lights, chargers etc. 

I hope you enjoy my "review" of the amazon Kindle!


Monday, August 1, 2011

Jenna Marbles

Today I'm not going to write anything original-- I'm going to show you one of the funniest people ever, Jenna Marbles-- check her out on youtube.  She uploads a new video every Wednesday (yes, I'm not stupid- today is Monday), but today she uploaded some extras from her July videos.  I absolutely love it. 

Here you go!

Happy August 1st!
